I made this animation based on the fairy tale by Oksana Maslova The "Association of the Lost Mittens". I am an illustrator and the author of the book, we want to offer an animation studio a script for a cartoon

The book about the lost mitten includes 25 small illustrations and 10 large ones, along with the cover and endpapers. I worked on the book for 2 months.
I have the ability to show you a time-lapse of the process. I made an effort to emulate watercolor using the Procreate program. For that, I used watercolor brushes.

Painting process

I always begin my work with a sketch on paper. Then, I take a photo of the drawing on my iPad and do the linework in the Procreate program. After that, I work with digital watercolor brushes. The raven in the drawing should appear consistent across all illustrations, like a single character. This is important.

This is what the finished illustration looks like.
The book came out for Christmas.

You can read about the book in this article. In 2023, it was presented at the book fair in Bologna. Ranok Publishing (Ukraine) acquired the rights to publish the book in Ukraine. Young readers in Ukraine will get to see the book by Christmas.

More information about my books and projects here
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